AED Paper Month

Published on 1 December 2021

Thanks to the lovely suggestion of user g, several of our community members embarked on a quest to finish a paper (long or short) within the month of November. We ended up with 6 submissions!


WannabePolicyWonk: The NEP Predicament: Obstacles and the Way Forward
ToastBall: Genesis of the Sicilian Mafia
asd: Ranking Biased Algorithms: a Welfare Perspective
EconJohn: Harmonizing Cost-Effectiveness Analysis and Budget Impact Analysis through Frischian Demand Specification
brice-green: From LATE to Great: Efficient Estimation of Heterogeneous Treatment Effects with Gaussian Markov Random Fields

Thanks and congratulations to everyone who submitted a paper! For authors who wanted, we paired them with discussants, and for those who want to present we will have a server presentation and discussion session in the near future. Stay tuned for details!